Sick Leave and Medical Certificates in the UAE

Sick Leave and Medical Certificates in the UAE

Insights 16 February 2024 0 Comments

Understanding Medical Certificates and Sick Leave

A medical certificate is an essential document issued by a healthcare professional, confirming that an individual is medically unwell or injured and unable to work. Sick leave, on the other hand, refers to the time an employee is allowed to be away from work to recover from an illness or attend to a medical condition.

Importance of Medical Certificates for Sick Leave

  • Employer Requirement: Employers typically require a medical certificate to verify that an employee is genuinely unwell and unable to work.
  • Legal Obligation: According to Article 31 of the UAE Labour Law, employees must notify their employer of their sickness within three days and submit a medical report.
  • Increased Approval Chances: Providing a medical certificate with a sick leave request increases the likelihood of approval by demonstrating the seriousness of the illness.
  • Qualifying Conditions: Various conditions, including colds, flu, respiratory illnesses, digestive issues, injuries, chronic illnesses, and mental health conditions, may qualify for a medical certificate.

Obtaining a Medical Certificate for Sick Leave

  • Consulting Healthcare Providers: Medical certificates can be obtained from licensed healthcare providers, including hospitals, clinics, and individual doctors’ offices.
  • Medical Examination: Individuals undergo a medical examination by the healthcare provider to assess their condition and determine the impact on their ability to work.
  • Certificate Issuance: Upon completion of the examination, a medical certificate is issued, typically including personal details, diagnosis, and recommended sick leave duration.

Application Process and Attestation

  • Reasons for Sick Leave: Sick leave may be requested for various reasons, including illness, medical appointments, or family emergencies.
  • Submission of Medical Certificate: Employees may need to provide a medical certificate for sick leave requests exceeding three days or as requested by the employer.
  • Attestation Requirements: Whether a medical certificate requires attestation depends on its purpose, such as visa applications or government submissions.

Sick Leave According to UAE Labour Law

  • Entitlements: Employees are entitled to up to 90 days of sick leave per year, as per Article 65 of the UAE Labour Law.
  • Roll-Over and Cash-Out: Unused sick leave does not roll over to the next year and is forfeited. Sick leave entitlements include full pay for the first 15 days, half pay for the next 30 days, and no pay for the remaining 45 days.